Sorry for the long gap in between posts, it's been a busy month. Anyhow, I am sure most of you have heard about the U.S. Supreme Court taking up the cases that involve DOMA and the repeal of Proposition 8. I am assuming that those of you with Facebook have seen all the red equal signs of people you support marriage equality. I haven't seen too many anti-gay marriage posts, but I have seen a number of people posting about how they don't think that everyone changing their facebook profile to a red equal sign will make a difference. They also say how those who have changed their profile picture should go out and actively do something, rather than stating this on the internet.
Now for a closeted lesbian's opinion. It helps so much knowing that so many people who I know in real life actually approve of gay marriage. Even if I was out I would be happy that there was so much support. I hope that the Supreme Court will make the correct decision and allow gay marriage in the U.S. since we are a nation all about equality.