First day of classes was today, although on Mondays class doesn't start until late afternoon, which is really bizarre. I am used to classes starting around 9 or 10, just like the rest of my week does for class. I am taking an LGBT Literature course, that should be fun, it's a medium sized class of 40 people, so I hopefully will meet some nice friends there. I haven't really run into any of my engineering friends yet, but I am going to try and hang out with them some. It should be a good semester. Last semester I had the feeling that there was no reason for me to come back to school, although now that I have joined a few social groups it helps me know that there is something to come back to.
And I can currently count the number of people I am out to on both hands, now the number is up to a whopping six people!!! One of whom I never talk to, yay! (Sarcasm there) I need to work on that. Have a great fall, enjoy the leaves and apple cider everyone!