

I am a lesbian going into Mechanical Engineering. This blog is meant to do two things: a.) relieve the stress on myself from being closeted, and b.) to let people know that there are members of the LGBT community in engineering fields.

If you want to contact me, you can send an email to

Monday, September 22, 2014

Trust, or Just Lucky?

       So lately there has been this article floating about ( the internet.  It focuses on a young woman named Emma, who has started a movement by carrying her mattress around campus as long as her rapist is still on enrolled in the same school.  It's actually pretty cool how much media this has gotten.
       Now being in engineering 90% of the people I seem to hang around are guys.  This past weekend I went to a party and had a blast just hanging out, but I also had a lot to drink.  Way too much to drink.  But never once did I fear for my safety.  I trust my engineering friends, either that or I am really lucky that I chose them as friends.  I don't think any of them would attempt anything sexual with a woman without her consent.  I'm just really glad that I can trust them, I wish that all women could feel that safe.
      Arguably I don't really go to parties where I don't know people.  I also am extremely private, and have a difficult time getting emotionally/physically close to people.  Anyhow stay safe, have a great fall, enjoy the pumpkin flavored everything!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

College - 4th year

       My fourth year of college has started, I have another to go.  It's a weird mixture of feelings about staying a 5th year.  A lot of my close friends at home are going to graduate on time, and a lot of my good friends here are going to either stay an extra year, or graduate.  I enjoy learning, but I would also like to just get out and work for a few years.  Working over the summer was nice because I didn't have to do anything work related after work, school you always have homework and projects.  However, staying an extra year gives me an extra summer to get an internship, so far I've only had seasonal positions in non engineering jobs.
       I'm taking a really fascinating biosolid mechanics course, talking about bone strength, and how different joints have different forces, etc.  And a CAD course, where we'll get a project and need to design it, then present it to the class.  I've also somehow managed to go through two semesters in a row without buying textbooks.  PDFs are a college students best friend, except when the class has open book, open note exams.
       Hope you all have a good semester or quarter (if you're in school).  For those of you working full time have a blast.  Have fun and work hard!