

I am a lesbian going into Mechanical Engineering. This blog is meant to do two things: a.) relieve the stress on myself from being closeted, and b.) to let people know that there are members of the LGBT community in engineering fields.

If you want to contact me, you can send an email to

Monday, September 16, 2013

Online Dating

       I've been considering an online dating website for sometime now (i.e. gaydar  Yet I never have set one up, I start to fill out the profile, but I never complete it.  I guess some part of me still dreams of the romantic comedy meeting.  Although lesbian romantic comedies usually have the same theme.  That is gay girl meets straight girl who is happily in a relationship with a guy (sometimes in the verge of getting married or already married).  The straight girl has never really had a same sex attraction before and then before you know it she's left her male lover and everyone's ends up happy.  I prefer the "Lip Service" TV show option of meeting a significant other of "sure, every other woman I meet is a lesbian".  I am ignoring the fact that some of the characters have used internet dating sites and have shown the two extremes of meeting the dream girl and the complete disaster date.
       Maybe I should set an online dating profile one of these days, it's not like I know of many gay women in the sciences besides those that read my blog.  Thanks to those who do!


  1. Have you tried joining the LGBT groups at uni? That would be a great way to meet people. I'd be wary of online dating, it seems to be a lot of effort.

  2. I tried online dating once. And while I was able to make it not awkward (miraculously) it still feels cheap. haha plus I knew within seconds of meeting the girl that it wasn't going to work out, which sucks cause then you're stuck on a date with someone. I wouldn't recommend it. (PS I'm a college engineer too. Stay hopeful)

  3. I tried online dating once. And while I was able to make it not awkward (miraculously) it still feels cheap. haha plus I knew within seconds of meeting the girl that it wasn't going to work out, which sucks cause then you're stuck on a date with someone. I wouldn't recommend it. (PS I'm a college engineer too. Stay hopeful)
