

I am a lesbian going into Mechanical Engineering. This blog is meant to do two things: a.) relieve the stress on myself from being closeted, and b.) to let people know that there are members of the LGBT community in engineering fields.

If you want to contact me, you can send an email to

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's Been Awhile

       So it's only been about six months since I've posted....oops.  I should have posted during winter break, but clearly that never happened.  As for this semester it's been hectic, all classes have major assignments due alternating weeks, so I've been working on homework 6 nights/days a week.  For those of you starting school set aside one day a week to relax and have fun, it definitely helps.  Anyhow I've decided that you could make an engineering BINGO card depending on the school you go to.  Free space would be if you have an assignment from every class due in the same week; another space would be a saying that a professor says a lot (or multiple spaces), etc. Just hand it out at freshman orientation, see how many people complete it.  This BINGO card would vary between each subset of engineering of course, but it could work.
       And now for something completely different.  I was hanging out with one of my friends at the bars last night and as we were walking back he said "so-and-so told me that you were a lesbian."  I had one of those moments where I forget that people do talk about me when I'm not there, and it's interesting to see how this is slowly spreading in my circle of engineering friends.  I can't really blame So-and-So since he was drunk at the time, and I usually come out to people after I've had a few.  I should start to map it to see how long it takes to get to a certain number of people through gossiping.  Anyhow I hope you all had a great holiday season and safe spring!  I'll post later (hopefully not six months later)!

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