

I am a lesbian going into Mechanical Engineering. This blog is meant to do two things: a.) relieve the stress on myself from being closeted, and b.) to let people know that there are members of the LGBT community in engineering fields.

If you want to contact me, you can send an email to

Friday, January 25, 2013

Ups and Downs

       As you grow older you realize that some people don't care about you.  I realized that last semester with the study group that I had been a part of.  I tried to connect with them, they are mainly female engineers, who all want to talk about their man crushes and stuff.  I was there to study, and to have people to relax with.  It started with one of the girl's getting an iPhone.  A few days after this happened we were waiting for class to start, our other group members had skipped class.  I was trying to hold a conversation with her and she said "Oh one sec, I just got this really important text.  I'm trying to plan a surprise birthday party for a friend back home."  I noticed that she had never done this to anyone else in our study group.  Then it went further, she would always take pictures of her and another girl in class, and I would be left to the wayside.
       Now I have classes with members of the old study group, I've said hi a few times but was never really paid attention to.  Luckily I am now forming a group that actually talks to me. It's nice knowing that you are appreciated.
        Also, Lip Service has been cancelled after two seasons.  There was so much to be resolved in the last episode.  I really wish BBC3 would have allowed a third season to wrap things up.  It also means that there aren't anymore TV shows devoted to gay and lesbians.  At least Heather Peace is still acting.  I don't know how good a show it is though.  She did an excellent job playing Sam.  If I had been 10 years older I wouldn't have minded dating Sam or Heather herself.  One last thing:  coffee burns hurt, almost as bad as hot glue gun burns.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


        My roommate has decided to be a matchmaker.  She says that one of her guy friends back home and I would be a good couple.  To some extent it amuses it, to another it rubs me the wrong way.  And yes, I am still closeted, I will try to let readers know when I am not.
        I don't know why I'm not attracted to men, I guess it's because I usually see them as friends or brothers, never in a sexual manner.  I mean sure I do notice when a guy has a well sculpted face, but it never goes farther than that.  I know straight women point out another woman's positive features, but they are never attracted to women.  I suppose it's a good thing that I am not attracted to men being  in engineering, it allows me to focus on my work.  Yet this also hinders me in finding a girlfriend of my own, since there are few females already there is a lower chance of find someone who is bi or gay.  I'll find someone special soon enough I suppose.
         Well I hope school or work are going well for you faithful followers.  Stay sane, have a cup of tea, read a book, go sledding, have fun!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Influential Essay v. 2.0

Here's a link to a fascinating article that I can relate to, sadly.  Anyhow I hope you find this enjoyable.

"Closeted Discoverers: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Scientists"

Hey Again!

       It's been a while since I've written, sorry about that!  I hope you all had a fabulous winter break or holiday break!  Mine was good, I don't really want to go back to school, I've gotten used to being at home, relaxing most of the time since I didn't work at the UPS store this year.  Anyhow, a funny thing happened the other day.  My mom wanted to know what made me attracted to men. I just nudged it off, mainly by giving her a lot of non-answer answers, if that makes any sense what-so-ever.  The next day my dad and I went to the mall to walk a few laps.  He said how mom never talked with grandma about what she is attracted to in a man.
       At this point we've walked past a store that sells henna tattoos and belly dancer costumes.  Then he says "You could always tell her you're dating a belly dancer."  The imagined reaction of my mom's face at that comment is hilarious!  That's all for now, School starts on Monday, I will do amazingly well this semester!  Happy New Year by the way!